5.) Konnyaku-Devil's Tongue. It is made from a root, which is ground into a powder and then reconstituted onto a gelatinous form which is eaten plain, in soups, or added to various dishes.

4.) Whale-I like them, just not to eat.

3.) Natto-Fermented soybeans with a very pungent smell and sticky, slimy texture.

2.) Pregnant Fish -Whole fish in general-not into skin, fins, innards, faces, and eyes so much.

1.) I guess I only have four least favorites.
Most favorites:
5.) Yakiniku-Grilled meats and veggies with dipping sauce. The best part is that you get to cook it yourself at restaurants, so it's a fun interactive dining experience.

4.) Nabe-Best food in winter. It's a kind of broth soup and the stock is sold ready to go. You can pretty much throw in anything you like. Super delicious and super easy.

3.) Sushi -it never gets old for me.
2.) Kabocha-Pumpkin. Yum.

1.) Renkon-Lotus Root. Saute it, stir-fry it, steam it, tempura it. I like it any way and every way.

I guess I consider myself lucky becasue there way more foods that I like than those I don't like. There are really only a few foods that I don't particularly care for; and even so, if served them in a restaurant or at friends house I would still manage to choke them down.
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